Application for Electronic Travel Authorization (For CHINESE Passport Holder 15 Year Old and Above) 菲律賓電子旅遊許可申請表(滿十五歲之中国護照持有者) 菲律宾电子签证请联系我们申请 想了解更多最新信息欢迎联系和咨询我们,微信:BGC998 电报@BGC998 Whats app:+63 912-0912-222 电话:0912-0912-222 优先使用TG免验证,咨询请主动告知咨询项目,菲律宾MAKATI 实体公司,客户 隐私保护 安全 可靠,可以安排工作人员上门取件或前往我们办公室提交办理业务。
Notice: Applicants are reminded to check the accuracy of all details in their application. Please note also that applications will be acted upon within two (2) working days after submission and payment, and those that need further review will be evaluated only during office hours, from Monday to Friday, 8AM to 4PM, excluding weekends and holidays. Thus, applicants are encouraged to submit and pay for the application ahead of time.
This online application for travel to the Philippines is only for holders of Taiwan passports with a validity period of six (6) months beyond the intended stay in the Philippines. 此線上申請之旅遊許可僅限於台灣護照持有者使用,並且在菲律賓停留期間護照有效期限須滿六個月以上。
All fields must be accurately filled out in English unless otherwise stated. 除另有註明,申請表所有項目須以英文正確填寫。
Each applicant will be assigned a Unique Identification (UID). In case of application for several individuals, one UID will be assigned to the primary applicant. In this case, payment should be made for the entire amount under the UID. All unpaid and unfinished applications will be deleted seven (7) days after initial entry of data. 申請時,每一位申請者會被分配到一組系統登入碼。在多位申請者一起提交表格的情況下,只有一組系統登入碼會分配給主申請人,如遇此情況,同一組系統登入碼的申請書必須一起繳費。所有未完成及未付費的申請書將在七日內被刪除。
Check all entries before submitting the application for payment. Holder of the travel authorization may be refused entry into the Philippines in case of discrepancy between the passport data and the authorization based on entries supplied by the applicant. 提交旅遊許可申請表前,請檢查所有填寫之資料,如提供之資料與護照或旅行文件有差異,則可被拒絕入境。
All notices will be sent to the email address provided by the primary applicant. This cannot be changed after payment has been made. 所有通知將會發送至主申請人所提供的電子郵件地址。此電子郵件地址在完成付款後就不能更改。
Applications will be acted upon within two (2) working days after submission and payment. Notification of the action taken on the application shall be sent thru email. Application status can be checked online by logging in using the Unique Identification (UID) and password. To avoid delays, please submit and pay for the application ahead of time. 旅遊許可在提交及繳費後,作業時間為兩個工作天。申請進度將會以電子郵件通知或可用系統登入碼及密碼至線上查詢。避免耽誤行程, 請申請人提前申請並支付費用。
Approved travel authorization should be printed on a clean A4 paper. Each applicant’s authorization must be printed on a separate sheet of paper. 核准後的旅遊許可須印在乾淨的A4紙上。每位申請者的旅遊許可須分開個別列印。
The applicant must present to Philippine Immigration official at the port of entry and exit the Taiwan passport, travel authorization and a confirmed return ticket to Taiwan or forward ticket to a third-country destination from Philippines with a valid visa, as the case may be, with a departure date before the expiration of the allowed period of stay. 入出境菲律賓時須出示護照,旅遊許可和回程或前往第三個國家之機票與有效簽證。離境日期須在允許停留天數以內。
The authorization does not guarantee automatic entry into the Philippines. Philippine immigration officials may still refuse the holder’s admission, if, upon inspection at the port of entry, the holder is found to be in violation of Philippine immigration laws, rules and regulations governing visitors or his/her entry into the country poses danger to the health, safety, and morals of the inhabitants. 旅遊許可不擔保持有者俱入境資格。如發現持有者有違反菲律賓移民法或對國安與人身構成威脅時,菲律賓移民局官員有權拒絕持有者入境。
Issued travel authorization provides the validity period of the authorization from date of issuance and allowable period of stay upon entering the Philippines. 旅遊許可證核發後,許可證會載明使用效期及可在菲之停留天數。
Applicants travelling with minor 15 years old and below should apply for visa sticker. 有15歲以下子女同行的申請人,需辦理紙本簽證。
Online processing fee will not be refunded under any circumstance. Please double check your application before proceeding to payment. 線上申請受理費用在任何情況下 均不退費 。提交申請表前,請檢查所有填寫之資料。
I confirm that I am a Taiwan passport holder (aged 15 years old & above), and I have read, understood, and hereby accept the foregoing reminders.
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